Arctic Tundra Biome



There are almost no reptiles or amphibians. There are only 48 land mammals that make this habitat their home. However, even though this zone has very few species the number of individuals in each species that make this biome a home for part of the year is very large. Take the massive herds of caribou or flocks of migratory birds as an example.

ยท         Flora and Fauna
On a relative scale, the arctic tundra biome has a relatively low biodiversity. There are around 1700 species of plants that live in this zone. There are almost no reptiles or amphibians. There are only 48 land mammals that make this habitat their home.

Many animals migrate to the tundra in the summer months to take advantage of the lack of predators, abundant plants, insects, and fish. Snowy Owls breed on the ground in the summer months, and prey on voles, lemmings and other small rodents. Musk oxen, a smaller cousin of the Ox feeds on the grasses in small herds. They defend themselves from one of the few predators, packs of wolves
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